Thursday, December 17, 2009

Does printer ink dry out or go bad if you havent used it in a few months?

Is there any way to rejuvenate it, or do I have to go out and buy some new ink cartriges? Thanks!Does printer ink dry out or go bad if you havent used it in a few months?
In my experience, my inkjet printer cartridges do dry out but the printer can be instructed to clean out the cartridge, but this costs ink (and money). Actually, I think there are storage modes or operations you can take to maintain the cartridges. I have better luck with my Canon than I ever did with my HP printers.Does printer ink dry out or go bad if you havent used it in a few months?
It dries out if it is in the printer. I don't know any way to rejuvenate it. I've kept unopened cartriges for months and they always are like new when opened.
yes, no , yes
i dont think so?!?
yeah they do sometimes!! your best bet is to go buy another one!

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