Thursday, December 17, 2009

How do you remove printer ink from your hands? HELP!?

I'm at my day job and got printer ink all over my hands. Tonight I go into my 2nd job at a restaurant and my fingers look gross!! HELP!~~~ Would you want to be served a $200 bottle of wine from nasty looking fingers????How do you remove printer ink from your hands? HELP!?
rubbing alcohol removes all types of ink.

might have to do this a few times to get it all off.

might have to use some hand cream afterwards though.

it is rather drying.How do you remove printer ink from your hands? HELP!?
try rubbing fresh lemon juice on your hands to remove the ink, works for me.
Stop at an auto parts store on the way home and buy ';Fast Orange'; or ';Gojo';, they contain pumice and it will literally scratch the stains off.

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