Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How much less ink do laser printer use than inkjet printers?

Is it worth spending $120 on a laser printer since it uses less ink or is it better to just pay $50 for an inkjet printer and buy more ink?

Vaguely, how much less ink do laser printers use?How much less ink do laser printer use than inkjet printers?
Well, laser printers don't use ink. They use toner. The smart @ss answer is, you pay $0 on ink. To really see the cost saving is to compare the price per page (P/P). For a laser printer you're looking about 2-5 cents P/P. An ink jet printer, your looking about 10-15 cents.

It depends on your printing jobs. If you print tons of pictures, an inkjet will produce higher quality prints. Since they can create about up to 2500 dpi. Toner can generate about 600dpi.

If you use a printer few and far between or your mainly printing documents or don't care about quality as much go for a laser. Toner doesn't dry up as inkjets do. If you don't print every few weeks on an inkjet, the printer heads will dry up. The toner is a dry powder, the most it'll do is it might settle if U don't use it for extended periods, but a gentle shake should take care of it.

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